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How To Make Coca Cola In Little Alchemy

How to Make Everything in Little Alchemy


Little Alchemy is a browser-based game where players can combine different elements to create new ones. The game starts with four basic elements: air, water, fire, and earth. Players can then combine these elements to create more complex ones, such as plants, animals, and metals.

Creating Elements

To create an element, players simply drag and drop one element onto another. For example, dragging and dropping air onto water will create steam. Players can also experiment with different combinations of elements to see what they can create.

Game Tips

Here are a few tips for playing Little Alchemy:

  • Experiment with different combinations of elements. There are many different ways to create the same element.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The game is all about experimentation and learning.
  • Use the cheat sheet. If you get stuck, you can use the cheat sheet to see how to create a specific element.
