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Explore The Heart Of North Rhine Westphalia

Cologne: A City of Culture, Art, and Refreshment

Explore the Heart of North Rhine-Westphalia

Cologne, fondly known as "Kölle" by its locals, is a vibrant metropolis nestled in the heart of Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia state. As the fourth-largest city in the country, Cologne boasts a rich history, captivating attractions, and a lively atmosphere that caters to every traveler's delight.

Immerse Yourself in History and Culture

Cologne's vibrant streets are adorned with architectural wonders that reflect its rich past. Admire the grandeur of Cologne Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture that has earned its place as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Stroll through the narrow cobblestone streets of the Old Town, where historic buildings and charming cafes create a charming ambiance. Explore the Romanesque churches dotted throughout the city, each with its own unique story to tell.

Quench Your Thirst in a City of Pubs

In between exploring Cologne's captivating cultural landmarks, indulge in a refreshing beverage or two. The city is renowned as Germany's pub capital, boasting an astonishing number of pubs per person. From traditional Brauhauses to cozy beer gardens, there's a perfect spot for every taste. Sip on a cold Kölsch, Cologne's local brew, and enjoy the jovial atmosphere that permeates the city.

Unleash Your Inner Artist with Street Art

Cologne is a thriving hub for street art enthusiasts. Explore the city's vibrant streets and discover an array of stunning murals and graffiti pieces that showcase the talents of local and international artists. Take a guided tour or visit specialized galleries to delve into the vibrant world of street art and witness the urban canvas that is Cologne.

Plan Your Trip to Cologne

TripAdvisor offers a comprehensive resource for planning your unforgettable trip to Cologne. With over 300,000 traveler reviews and photos, you can easily discover the must-see attractions, find the perfect accommodation, and uncover hidden gems that will make your experience truly memorable. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveler, TripAdvisor will guide you every step of the way.
